The Citgo theft harms Venezuela, but also the United States

16 June 2024


Werther Sandoval

The already deteriorated relations between the United States and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela will fall several more steps if, as everything indicates, the sale of the PDVSA subsidiary, Citgo, is completed, the balance of which will be truly detrimental to the Homeland of Bolívar, but more still bloody for the voracious and insatiable nation of the north.

In short: three refineries with a refining capacity of 807.000 barrels per day, 38 terminals, 6 oil pipelines and 4.200 service stations, all valued between 11.000 and 13.000 million dollars, will be taken from the people of Venezuela.

But the United States will add to its record another resounding slap to the confidence of international investors in that country, for having broken and violated the always respected corporate veil, which protects any company from being expropriated for non-payment of a debt contracted by its owner, that is, another person, in this case, the government of Venezuela.

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