UKRAINE WAR FRONT: Zelensky’s Finding:  ‘It is the World’s Fault’ for Ukraine’s Failures in Kharkov

A Journal of People report

In an interview on Thursday, Ukraine President Vladimir Zelensky told ABC News: The whole world is to blame for Ukraine’s failure to stop Russia’s recent advances in Kharkov Region and must now help Kiev to change the situation.

Zelensky’s comment comes after Russian forces captured several settlements near Kharkov, Ukraine’s second-largest city, over the past week.

Ukraine’s top military officials in Kiev have admitted that the situation in the Kharkov region is now “extremely difficult,” and that Ukrainian troops are struggling to hold ground due to being outgunned and outnumbered.

Asked if he believes Ukraine’s failures on the battlefield to be the fault of the U.S., Zelensky told ABC reporters “it is the world’s fault,” and accused the international community of giving “the opportunity for Putin to occupy.”

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GEOPOLITICS: ‘Big Blunder’ to Let China and Russia Get Close, U.S. Strategist Says

A Journal of People report

U.S. think-tank Heritage Foundation fellow Michael Pillsbury said on Thursday: U.S. President Joe Biden’s cabinet has made a major policy mistake by driving Russia and China into a strategic partnership.

Pillsbury spoke to Fox and Friends as Russian President Vladimir Putin met with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping in Beijing on his first foreign trip since the Russian President’s inauguration.

Pillsbury has helped Washington formulate its China policy since the 1970s. He held a variety of posts at the Pentagon and as a staff member for the U.S. Senate, before settling at China-centric desks at the Hudson Institute and later at Heritage.

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