GEOPOLITICS: U.S. is Losing Ground Globally to Russia and China, Report Says

A Journal of People report

Geopolitics is witnessing shifts in many areas. These shifts are bringing in changes in perceptions of people.

A report finds: Support for Israel has damaged U.S.’s standing in the Middle East.

A study, compiled by the German company Latana in 53 countries, finds: While China and Russia have improved their global standing over the past year, the U.S. has seen its approval rating deteriorate in the Middle East and even in Europe.

“For the first time since the start of the Biden administration, many Western European countries have returned to net negative perceptions of the U.S.,” according to Frederick DeVeaux, the senior researcher at Latana.

The survey, Democracy Perception Index 2024 (DPI), conducted on behalf of Alliance of Democracies, an NGO headed by former NATO secretary-general Anders Fogh Rasmussen finds: Russia and China are now viewed as positively as the U.S. in most of the surveyed countries in Asia and the Middle East/North Africa (MENA), as Washington’s approval has plummeted due to the conflict in Gaza. Among Europeans, support for the U.S. has also seen a decline.

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