Enough of the blockade against Cuba!

Brazilian artists and intellectuals demand the exclusion of Cuba from the arbitrary list of State sponsors of terrorism and an end to the blockade

Granma | 10 June 2024

Photo: Prensa Latina

Brazilian art, culture and political professionals demanded that the United States remove Cuba from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism and put an end to the criminal blockade against the island.
In a signed letter, they stated that the U.S. State Department announced on May 15 of this year that it was excluding Cuba from its 2023 report on countries that do not cooperate in the fight against terrorism.
However, Washington did not remove Cuba from the list of countries suspected of sponsoring terrorism.
The text adds that, although Biden administration officials are aware of Cuba’s efforts in the fight against terrorism and for peace in Latin America, the Caribbean and the world, the White House did nothing to remove Cuba from that list from which it should never have been included.
The permanence of Cuba on the list is an infamy that has already lasted for a long time, just like the blockade that has been trying to subdue the heroic Caribbean island for more than 60 years, the letter specifies.
“We demand that the United States withdraw the designation of Cuba as a State Sponsor of Terrorism and lift the criminal blockade against the Caribbean nation.
“Cuba has the inalienable sovereign right to freely embrace its own economic, political and social system. Enough with the blockade against Cuba!” they concluded.
Signatories included Frei Betto, writer and composer Chico Buarque, and writer Fernando Morais, among others.

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